today...beach with the Bridges family. cold but beautiful (well not cold cold, but not comfortably warm without an extra top layer) today, i took 300+ photos - with my new telephoto lens. got tons of great ones of the girls playing, and mr. & mrs. bridges being so cute (they are an adorable couple). i chose this one because...i didn't ask them for permission to post their photos...and well, the fisherman, that's bill. he just bought the same lens as i did (like right after i told him i found a good deal on a canon telephoto lens, he went and bought the last one that had it's box, all that was left was the display model, which is the one i bought) and he can't use his this weekend because his camera went camping with his son. bummer. so when my son spotted him fishing at the same beach as we were at, i thought it would be funny to use my lens and take his picture. :o)
he didn't catch any fish, we had 15 foot swells breaking HARD, it wasn't a good fishing day. it was an minus tide day though and i am wondering, where did all of the shellfish that used to be in these tidepools go? no more urchins. no more mussels. no more starfish. what's going on??
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