Saturday, November 14, 2009

November 9, 2009 - Living For Jesus is Fun

Camden with sore throat and pain in ears - had to go to the Doc. Well, there are signs all over saying if you have a cough, headache, runny nose, fever, sore throat...blah blah blah, please wear a mask. Now why the entire clinic wasn't full of masked people, I know not, but I made my kids put them on just to comply. Gimme' a break, who doesn't have at least ONE of those symptoms during the winter months? I mean, you need only SEE THE SIGN and it causes you to sniff...or cough...never fails. Fine when I walk in, see the sign, nose turns to auto drip just like a coffee pot. Camden was mortified, the blue mask isn't stylish...but it matches the M&Ms shirt...

1 comment:

Richard Hinkel said...

I'm impressed you're so compliant and the children too! Cam looks incognito.