Wednesday, April 8, 2009

April 8, 2009 - Living For Jesus is Fun...

Even when you start to wonder where the hundreds of baby spiders that were there 2 days ago went..."There," being between the storm window and the outer window (which incidentally has 5 large spiders in that space, as well as the two groups of little baby hatching spiders that were there 2 days ago)...anyhow, those little guys are GONE. What does that mean? It means those cute little buggers are PROBABLY IN MY BED OR SOMETHING! Oh, don't get me wrong, spiders are REALLY COOL up close and personal (like through a telephoto lens, or other secure piece of glass so they don't actually get near enough to touch me). But baby spiders, no matter how cute they may be...are small enough to get through the layers of the ill fitting windows and inside my house, and we all know that babies grow up. Yes, that's right...soon there will be gigantic, nasty, ucky, scary, black spiders waiting at the foot of my bed, beneath the covers, TO EAT ME. EEWWW!

Perhaps it's bug bomb season? Now honestly, I installed the storm windows, and there were no spiders, nor webs inbetween them. SO IT WILL BE KURT'S JOB TO REMOVE THEM (yes, the storm windows and the new friends living there). I'd spend the whole day being creeped out thinking they were crawling up my sleeves...

1 comment:

Sujomi said...

Ewwww! I do NOT like spiders. Getting rid of them is definately HandsomeHusband's territory as well.